Source: Council of the European Union |

European Peace Facility: Council adopts assistance measure in support of the armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania

This support seeks to enhance the protection of the national territory and territorial waters of Mauritania

The Council today adopted an assistance measure under the European Peace Facility (EPF) worth €15 million to the benefit of the armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania. The objective of this assistance measure is to support Mauritania’s land and maritime surveillance and deterrence capacities. This support seeks to enhance the protection of the…

Source: Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) |

Interdepartmental Meeting on the Rightsizing of Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Maritime Coordination Centres

The meeting is aimed at reviewing and streamlining the structure of the EMCCs to ensure their effective functioning and sustainability

Since the establishment of the ECOWAS Integrated Maritime Strategy (EIMS) in 2014, the operationalization of the ECOWAS Maritime Coordination Centres (EMCCs) across maritime zones E, F, and G, as well as the West Africa Regional Maritime Coordination Centre (CRESMAO), has significantly contributed to the reduction of piracy and sea robbery…

Source: World Trade Organization (WTO) |

Benin and Sierra Leone formally accept Fisheries Subsidies Agreement, bringing tally to 80

These two deposits of instruments of acceptance bring to 80 the total number of WTO members that have formally accepted the Agreemen

Benin and Sierra Leone deposited their instruments of acceptance of the Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies on 19 July, advancing the tally of formal acceptances to 80. Ambassador Corinne Brunet of Benin and Ambassador Lansana Gberie of Sierra Leone presented the instruments of acceptance to Director-General Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala. Director-General Okonjo-Iweala said:…

African Development Bank Group (AfDB)
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    • Group photo of workshop participants
    • Opening session of the preparatory workshop on the African Ports Connectivity Portal Project, held in Abidjan
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Source: African Development Bank Group (AfDB) |

Boosting African Port Efficiency: Stakeholders conclude key African Development Bank workshop on Connectivity Portal

The African Ports Connectivity Portal Project is supported by a $2 million grant from the Beijing-based Multilateral Co-operation Center for Development Finance (MCDF)

The African Development Bank ( has successfully concluded a two-day preparatory workshop on implementing the African Ports Connectivity Portal Project (APC-PP) to improve data collection and connectivity among the continent’s ports. Held in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire, from 8-9 July 2024, the workshop rallied together key stakeholders and experts from various…

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    • Mr. Reginald Saunders, Acting Permanent Secretary, Ministry for Grand Bahama (seated, left) and Mrs. Kanayo Awani, Executive Vice President, Intra-African Trade and Export Development Bank, Afreximbank (seated, right) sign the agreement to avail a Project Preparation Facility in favour of the of Government of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas to develop and implement an Afro-Caribbean Marketplace. The ceremony was witnessed by The Hon. Philip Edward Davis, K.C., Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, the Commonwealth of The Bahamas (3rd left), Hon. Ginger Moxey, Minister for Grand Bahama (centre) and Prof. Benedict Oramah, President and Chairman of the Board of Directors, Afreximbank (3rd right)
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Source: Afreximbank |

Afreximbank Invests in Project to Rejuvenate AfriCaribbean Trade and Cultural Ties

The project preparation facility of US$ 1.86 million will fund essential pre-development activities that will advance the project to bankability

African Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank) ( has signed an agreement to avail a Project Preparation Facility in favour of the of Government of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas to develop and implement an Afro-Caribbean Marketplace. Once implemented, the Afro-Caribbean Marketplace will comprise 90 outlets dedicated to the sale of authentically African and…

Source: African Development Bank Group (AfDB) |

Ghana’s New Ship Repair Dock Project Funding Sealed as Financiers Sign $94 MN Syndicated Loan

With this milestone, the project, nicknamed “Shiprite,” has secured the total commitment of all providers for the required $137 million in capital

A consortium, including the African Development Bank (, has signed an agreement to extend $94 million in senior debt funding to PMD Assetco Limited (PMD) for the construction and operation of a floating dock ship repair facility in Ghana’s western Takoradi port. Other consortium members are the African Export-Import Bank…

Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Tourism - Foreign Affairs Department, Republic of Seychelles |

Seychelles highlights priority areas during the 26th Committee of Senior Officials meeting

The objectives of the CSO’s centre on establishing regional economic cooperation priorities and coordinating work programs for specific actions and projects

From the 30th – 31st April 2024, High Commissioner Lalatiana Accouche participated in the 26th Committee of Senior Officials (CSO) of the Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) which was hosted by Sri Lanka, the present IORA Chairmanship, in a virtual mode. Participants from the 23 Member States, IORA Specialized Agencies and…

Source: State House Seychelles |

Seychelles: President Ramkalawan holds talks with President of the Marshall Islands

Among the topics of discussions were the existential issue of the climate crisis such as rising sea levels and adverse weather patterns

On the sidelines of the Fourth Small Island Developing State Conference (SIDS4), the President of the Republic of Seychelles, Mr Wavel Ramkalwan yesterday held talks with the President of the Marshall Islands, Mrs. Hilda Heine. During discussions the two leaders agreed to further cooperate in key areas of mutual interest…

Source: Presidency of the Arab Republic of Egypt |

Egypt: President El-Sisi Meets the Minister of Transport

The President was briefed on work progress in the establishment, upgrading and operation of ports across the republic

Today, President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi met with Minister of Transport, Lieutenant-General Engineer Kamel Al-Wazir; Commander of the Navy, Vice Admiral Ashraf Atwa; and a number of commanders of the Armed Forces. The President was briefed on work progress in the establishment, upgrading and operation of ports across the republic, given…

Source: Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TIKA) |

Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TIKA) Supports Fishermen’s Cooperative in Cameroon

Within the scope of the project, the fish farm, with its increased production capacity, is expected to contribute to employment in the region

Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TİKA) established a fish farm in the city of Maroua, located in the Far North Region of Cameroon. TİKA established 3 fish ponds and provided material support to enhance the production capacity of the fish farm operated by the cooperative “SCOOPS Agros Pisciculteurs Du Sahel”,…