Source: United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) |

Call for the 2024-2025 Fellowship for Young African Professionals

The program aims to engage young Africans in skill and capacity development for Africa's social dimensions

The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) has announced the opening for applications for the "ECA Fellowships for Young African Professionals." The program aims to engage young Africans in skill and capacity development for Africa's social dimensions. It focuses on training and mentorship to cultivate highly skilled human capital…

Source: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) |

South Sudan eyes Water Convention accession for stronger water governance and development opportunities

South Sudan indicated it is seeking to unlock major infrastructure projects and development resources as well as to limit flooding

South Sudan, the world’s newest nation and a landlocked country in Eastern Central Africa, is situated in the middle of the basin of the Nile River, Africa’s longest river. Sharing significant transboundary wetlands, experiencing annual catastrophic floods and droughts and facing immense development and humanitarian challenges, South Sudan views strengthened…

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Source: Energy Capital & Power |

Mauritanian British Business Council Partners with MSGBC Oil, Gas & Power 2024

The Mauritania Britain Business Council (MBBC) promotes sustainable development and fosters collaborative partnerships between Mauritania and the United Kingdom (UK)

The Mauritanian British Business Council (MBBC) will partner with the MSGBC Oil, Gas & Power 2024 conference for the second consecutive year, linking British investors and companies with trade and investment opportunities in Mauritania. The MBBC serves to promote sustainable development, share knowledge and best practices, and foster mutually beneficial…

Source: African Energy Chamber |

How Newcomers Like Namibia and Guyana Are Surpassing African Legacy Producers in Energy Investment (By By NJ Ayuk)

Recent discoveries in Namibia’s Orange Basin suggest it could hold up to three billion barrels of oil and 8.7 trillion cubic feet of natural gas, and the country’s total oil reserves could be nearly equal to Guyana’s at around 11 billion barrels

By NJ Ayuk, Executive Chairman, African Energy Chamber. The major players on the world energy production stage are well known, and particularly in the field of oil and gas, where most of them have been in the game for a long time. In Africa, countries like Algeria, Nigeria, Libya, Egypt,…

African Energy Chamber
Source: African Energy Chamber |

African Petroleum Producers Organization (APPO) Secretary General to Discuss Energy Bank Launch, Opportunities for Angola at Angola Oil & Gas (AOG) 2024

Omar Farouk Ibrahim has joined the Angola Oil & Gas conference – organized by Energy Capital & Power - taking place October 2-3 in Luanda

The African Petroleum Producers Organization (APPO) signed the African Energy Bank ( into implementation in June 2024, kickstarting a new era of oil and gas financing in Africa. Offering an alternative source of funding for African hydrocarbon projects, the bank is expected to play a major part in advancing project…

Source: Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) |

Mission to The Gambia to Monitor Infrastructure Component of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Fund for Regional Stabilization and Development (FRSD) – Gambia Pilot

These visits were essential for evaluating the effectiveness of initiatives focused socio-econo ic empowerment for women and youth in The Gambia

The ECOWAS Commission has successfully concluded a monitoring mission to The Gambia as part of the Fund for Regional Stabilization and Development (FRSD) Pilot Program. The mission, which took place from 24th June to 29th June 2024, aimed to assess and monitor the progress of ongoing infratructural investments to ensure…

Source: Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) |

ECOWAS Human Capital Development (HCD) Secretariat strengthens member States commitments to advance the regional HCD Strategy through consultative visits

These field visits aimed to share findings from the computation of the 2024 ECOWAS HCD Index and to assess the status of the implementation of national HCD strategies

From June 10 to 26 2024, a delegation from the ECOWAS HCD Secretariat, led by Program Coordinator M. Ruben Johnson, conducted an information and consultation tour across the region to Côte d’Ivoire, Senegal, Liberia, Benin, and The Gambia.  During this tour, the HCD team held meetings with the relevant authorities…

Source: State House Seychelles |

President Ramkalawan Reaffirms Commitment to Healthcare Excellence During Victoria Hospital Tour

On-site discussions provided firsthand information and allowed the delegation to directly hear the views of staff and technicians

President Wavel Ramkalawan, along with Health Minister Peggy Vidot and senior ministry officials, conducted a visit to key wards at Seychelles Hospital this morning. The visit commenced at the Radiology Department, where President Ramkalawan inspected the newly acquired MRI facility. The delegation then toured various medical wards, conducting thorough assessments…

Source: United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) |

United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) Renovates Bilual Secondary School, Creating a Better Learning Environment for All

The new iteration of this Uror County secondary school has six classrooms, a kitchen, an in-built toilet, gates and a fence

While successful learning ultimately depends on the hard work put in by individual students, having access to a properly equipped school is likely to boost one’s motivation to make the significant effort needed to lay the groundwork for a satisfying professional life. Thanks to funding from the United Nations Mission…

Source: United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) |

Scaling up mangrove conservation in Kenya

The initiative not only contributes to global climate goals but also empowers communities through sustainable development

As the International Day for the Conservation of the Mangrove Ecosystem approaches on 26 July, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and UN-Habitat, through the Go Blue project, are showcasing a transformative initiative to counter climate change in Lamu County, Kenya.  The effort, known as the Lamu Blue Carbon Project, is aiming to enlist…