U.S. Embassy in Namibia
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    • Reach Namibia’s Economic Strengthening Officer Elina Nkambale (center) explains the ALIVE Hub to Deputy Minister for Sport, Youth and National Service, Hon. Dr. Emma Kantema-Gaomas (second from right) and USAID Acting Country Representative Dr. Rockfeler Herisse (right)
    • Software Engineer Bernhard Likuwa is calibrating a 3D-Printer which can be used by entrepreneurs at the ALIVE Hub
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Source: U.S. Embassy in Namibia |

Namibia: United States Government Launches Youth Entrepreneurship Hubs

Reach Namibia and the ALIVE Hubs demonstrate the U.S. Government’s continued commitment to providing health and economic relief to the people of Namibia

The United States Government-funded Reach Namibia project has launched the Adolescent and Youth Livelihoods and Entrepreneurship Accelerator (ALIVE) Hub at Rundu, Kavango East Region. The ALIVE Hub initiative will equip project participants with entrepreneurial skills to establish sustainable businesses.  In collaboration with the Ministry of Sport, Youth and National Services (MSYNS), regional…

Source: The World Bank Group |

New Country Partnership Framework for Cameroon to Focus on More Jobs, and Effective Service Delivery for All

The Framework reflects the strong and growing collaboration between Cameroon and the World Bank Group’s institutions

The World Bank Group (WBG) announced a new Country Partnership Framework (CPF) for Cameroon, which will focus on two high level outcomes: more and better jobs, and more effective and inclusive service delivery institutions, with a special attention to climate and fragility. The new Cameroon CPF covers the FY2025-29 period and…

Source: International Trade Centre |

Taking Resource Efficiency and Circular Production in East Africa to the next level

Professionals from environmental sustainability, energy and the coffee sectors attend Training of Trainers workshops in Kenya and Rwanda

Eric Matabaro from Real Bridge Systems, a Rwanda advisory firm that supports sustainable agriculture practices expressed excitement at gaining new insights: “I will use the knowledge gained to train my clients in coffee who are implementing circular food system in their operations.” And, Mijele Washington from the State Department of…

Orange Middle East and Africa
Source: Orange Middle East and Africa |

Orange Middle East and Africa publishes "Seeds of Change" its 2023 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Report

The millions of opportunities available to young people, women and entrepreneurs through our free initiatives for inclusion are also seeds of change

Orange Middle East and Africa (OMEA) (www.Orange.com) is firmly rooted in the regions it serves. It is driven by responsible and ethical corporate governance and is constantly innovating. It relies on reliable infrastructure that fosters the development of value-creating technologies and services. These technologies are being deployed with a low-carbon,…

African Energy Chamber
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    • Natural Gas, the Right Transition Fuel for South Africa (By NJ Ayuk)
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Source: African Energy Chamber |

Natural Gas, the Right Transition Fuel for South Africa (By NJ Ayuk)

South Africa’s ongoing power shortages highlight the urgent need to tap into its natural gas resources, a cleaner-burning fuel that can bridge the energy gap while facilitating a transition to renewables and a lower-carbon future

By NJ Ayuk, Executive Chairman, African Energy Chamber (www.EnergyChamber.org). A recent policy brief, “Natural Gas as a Transition Fuel in South Africa,” produced by Eye for Business, minced no words concerning the need to access and use that plentiful underground resource. As stated up front, “Among alternatives, there is a…

African Energy Chamber
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    • Next Generation of Energy Leaders to Drive Transformation at the African Energy Week (AEW) 2024
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Source: African Energy Chamber |

Next Generation of Energy Leaders to Drive Transformation at the African Energy Week (AEW) 2024

African Energy Week (AEW): Invest in African Energy will feature a Youth Energy Roundtable, advocating for increased youth participation in Africa’s energy industry

With Africa serving as a dynamic hub for oil and gas, renewable energy and cutting-edge technologies, the participation of youth in the sector is crucial to bringing in new perspectives, fostering innovation and effecting policies that drive inclusive growth. The African Energy Week (AEW): Invest in African Energy 2024 conference,…

Source: UN Women - Africa |

Communique adopted at the Sudan Women’s Dialogue

Expressing regret that the warring parties have failed to date to implement the provisions of the Declaration of Commitments to Protect the Civilians of Sudan, signed in Jeddah on 10th May 2023

WE, the women of Sudan from women’s organisation, civil society, the private sector, gathered in Kampala, Uganda from 3-4 July 2024, on the occasion of the Sudan Women’s Peace Dialogue, convened by the African Union Commission through the Office of the Special Envoy on Women, Peace and Security, under the leadership…

Source: International Trade Centre |

Agriculture, digital service, artisans and beekeeping offer path to jobs to refugees in Kenya

Kenya hosts over 770,000 refugees, with 288,000 in Turkana alone

County officials, business leaders and leading non-government organizations reviewed the findings of a study that looked at ways to create jobs and grow the economy in Turkana County. Turkana is home to Kakuma, one of the world’s largest refugee camps. But many people in Turkana are agro-pastoralists, giving few opportunities…

Source: UN News |

Refugees, migrants face violence, abuse and death on routes across Africa, new data shows

Refugees and migrants continue to face extreme forms of violence, exploitation and death on sea and on land across Africa as they attempt to leave the continent, UN agencies said on Friday, in an appeal to border authorities to do more to protect them

Data from a new report by the UN refugee agency, UNHCR, the UN migration agency IOM and the Mixed Migration Centre (MMC) highlights the often under-reported perils facing vulnerable people on the move on dangerous land routes. Abuse along the route “Regardless of their status, migrants, refugees, seem to face serious human rights violations and…

African Development Bank Group (AfDB)
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    • AfDB Vice President Marie-Laure Akin-Olugbade (right) meets with Angolan Minister for Agriculture and Forestry, Dr António Francisco de Assis ( centre) and AfDB Country Manager for Angola Pietro Toigo during an official visit. Angola, June 2024
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Source: African Development Bank Group (AfDB) |

Angola: African Development Bank Vice President Akin-Olugbade on mission to boost development impact

The parties discussed the cooperation between Angola and the Bank and its priorities, which focus on accelerating economic diversification and job creation

African Development Bank (www.AfDB.org) Vice-President for Regional delivery, Integration and Business Delivery, Marie-Laure Akin-Olugbade has completed a mission to Angola in which she held several strategic, high-level dialogue sessions with authorities of the country. The talks provided the foundation for the implementation of the Bank’s new 2024-2029 Country Strategy Paper.…