Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland |

Mozambique strengthens its education sector with Finland’s support

Qualified teachers and education for girls have been a focus of Finland’s support for Mozambique's education sector in recent years

Cooperation between Finland and Mozambique has yielded good results, according to a recent evaluation. Finland’s support has had an impact especially on teacher education, which is crucial for children’s learning. Qualified teachers and education for girls have been a focus of Finland’s support for Mozambique's education sector in recent years.…

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland
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Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland |

Finland: Foreign Minister Valtonen to attend Nordic-African Foreign Ministers’ Meeting in Copenhagen

Finland’s Minister for Foreign Affairs Elina Valtonen will attend the Nordic–African Foreign Ministers’ Meeting (NAFM) in Copenhagen, Denmark on 2 May 2024

The previous NAFM meeting was held in Algeria in October 2023 and the one before that in Helsinki in June 2022. More than 20 foreign ministers have registered for the meeting. Annual meetings of Nordic and African foreign ministers have been held since 2001. The themes to be discussed range…

Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland |

European Union Foreign Affairs Council to discuss Russian aggression against Ukraine, situation in the Middle East, and Sudan

The foreign ministers will discuss the increasingly tense regional situation, the role of the EU, the humanitarian situation in Gaza, access to humanitarian aid and the revival of the political peace process

EU foreign ministers will convene in Luxembourg on 22 April. Minister for Foreign Affairs Elina Valtonen will represent Finland at the meeting. The EU foreign and defence ministers will debate Russian aggression against Ukraine in their joint session. The ministers will focus on the EU’s military support for Ukraine, the…

Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland |

European Union (EU) Foreign Affairs Council to discuss Russian aggression against Ukraine, situation in the Middle East, and Sudan

EU foreign ministers will convene in Luxembourg on 22 April; Minister for Foreign Affairs Elina Valtonen will represent Finland at the meeting

The EU foreign and defence ministers will debate Russian aggression against Ukraine in their joint session. The ministers will focus on the EU’s military support for Ukraine, the security commitments and the development of the defence industry. “Supporting Ukraine is extremely important to us. Finland has provided security commitments for…

Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland |

Suldaan Said Ahmed appointed as Foreign Minister’s Special Envoy on Peace Mediation in the Horn of Africa

In his role as the Foreign Minister’s Special Envoy, Said Ahmed will focus on supporting peace processes

On 23 January 2024, Minister for Foreign Affairs Elina Valtonen appointed Suldaan Said Ahmed as her Special Envoy on Peace Mediation in the Horn of Africa. In his role as the Foreign Minister’s Special Envoy, Said Ahmed will focus on supporting peace processes. Suldaan Said Ahmed served as Special Envoy…

Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland |

Advance voting Tanzania in Finland’s presidential elections in 2024

The advance polling stations abroad will be located in Finland’s diplomatic and consular missions or their offices in 89 different countries

Finland will hold its presidential elections on Sunday 28 January 2024. Advance voting will be possible in Tanzania from 17 to 18 January 2024. The election day for a possible second election (second round) will be 11 February 2024, and advance voting in Tanzania will be possible from 31 January…

Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland |

Finland to provide humanitarian aid to crisis areas

Finland will provide EUR 17.3 million in humanitarian aid to Sudan, Ukraine, Burkina Faso and Lebanon through the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) and the International Committee of the Red Cross

Global humanitarian needs have grown this year. Most of the ongoing humanitarian crises are caused by conflicts. The power struggle in Sudan, which began in spring 2023, has led to a rapid increase in humanitarian needs both in Sudan and in its neighbouring areas. According to the UN Refugee Agency…

Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland |

The human rights-based approach in Finland's development cooperation is evident both in words and actions

The recent evaluation examines the realization of the human rights-based approach in Finland's development cooperation funded by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs

According to a recent evaluation, Finland's development cooperation has promoted the rights of vulnerable populations in partner countries. The commitment to the human rights-based approach has been strong. However, there are still challenges in monitoring and reporting the implementation of this approach and its links to risk management. The recent…

Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland |

Finland: Foreign Ministry to support five Finnish higher education institutions in their collaboration with developing countries

The selection of countries reflects Finland’s development policy priorities in Africa

In 2024–2026, the higher education cooperation of Finland’s Ministry for Foreign Affairs will prioritise teacher education, climate change and the circular economy, and food security. The Foreign Ministry grants just over EUR 6 million to the seven projects approved for the partnership programme. The Higher Education Partnership (HEP) programme supports…

Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland |

Foreign Ministry to support five Finnish higher education institutions in their collaboration with developing countries

The HEP programme has a stronger emphasis on equal partnerships compared to earlier programmes

In 2024–2026, the higher education cooperation of Finland’s Ministry for Foreign Affairs will prioritise teacher education, climate change and the circular economy, and food security. The Foreign Ministry grants just over EUR 6 million to the seven projects approved for the partnership programme. The Higher Education Partnership (HEP) programme supports…