Source: Amnesty International |

Tunisia: Amnesty International’s Secretary General denounces rollback of human rights upon concluding four-day visit

The Tunisian authorities did not respond to requests for meetings with the Amnesty International delegation led by Agnès Callamard during her visit from 16 to 19 July

Upon completing a four-day visit to Tunisia, in which she met with human rights defenders, civil society representatives, the Tunisian Judges Association, lawyers, political parties, journalists, victims of human rights violations and families of arbitrarily detained people, Amnesty International’s Secretary General Agnès Callamard said: “It is alarming and distressing to…

Merck Foundation
  • Multimedia content

  • Images (15)
    • Merck Foundation Chairman & CEO with Botswana President and First Lady
    • Launch of Merck Foundation programs in Botswana (1)
    • Launch of Merck Foundation programs in Botswana (2)
    • Launch of Merck Foundation programs in Botswana (3)
    • Launch of Merck Foundation programs in Botswana (4)
    • Launch of Merck Foundation programs in Botswana (5)
    • Launch of Merck Foundation programs in Botswana (6)
    • Launch of Merck Foundation programs in Botswana (7)
    • Launch of Merck Foundation programs in Botswana (8)
    • Senator Dr Rasha Kelej CEO of Merck Foundation with The First Lady of Botswana (1)
    • Senator Dr Rasha Kelej CEO of Merck Foundation with The First Lady of Botswana (2)
    • Senator Dr Rasha Kelej CEO of Merck Foundation with The First Lady of Botswana (3)
    • Senator Dr Rasha Kelej CEO of Merck Foundation with The First Lady of Botswana (4)
    • Senator Dr Rasha Kelej CEO of Merck Foundation with The First Lady of Botswana (5)
    • Senator Dr Rasha Kelej CEO of Merck Foundation with The First Lady of Botswana (6)
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Source: Merck Foundation |

Merck Foundation Chairman & Chief Executive Officer (CEO) meet Botswana President & First Lady to launch long term partnership to build healthcare capacity, stop infertility Stigma & Gender-based Violence (GBV) and Support girl education in Botswana

Merck Foundation is also working closely with Botswana First Lady to inspire girls and sensitize communities about the importance of girl education

Merck Foundation ( declared Botswana First Lady as Ambassador of “More than a Mother” to build healthcare capacity, break infertility stigma, stop GBV and support girl education; Merck Foundation Chairperson & CEO meet Botswana President and First Lady to acknowledge their Alumni and Award winners; Merck Foundation marking strong milestone of Transforming Patient…

Source: Save the Children |

Ethiopia: More Than 1,320 Children Remain at Risk Following Week of Deadly Landslides

Save the Children is working with local partners to roll out much-needed aid to communities impacted by the landslides, as search and rescue efforts intensify

Hundreds of children living in the remote Gofa zone of Southern Ethiopia remain at risk of death and injury from rain-induced disasters, after surviving a series of landslides that killed at least 257 people, said Save the Children. On Sunday, heavy rains in the area caused a major landslide which…

Source: Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) |

Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Field Monitoring and Evaluation of Humanitarian Response to Food Insecurity in Liberian Communities

The ECOWAS team also participated in distributing food and nutrition assistance to beneficiaries identified by the implementing partners

The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Commission’s Humanitarian Response Team began a comprehensive 4-day field monitoring and evaluation mission in Liberia on Monday, 22nd July, 2024. This mission aimed to assess the impact of the food and nutrition response initiatives by the ECOWAS Commission addressing food security in…

Source: Amnesty International |

Uganda: Authorities must unconditionally release protestors still unlawfully detained

These protests mirror those organized by youth activists in neighboring Kenya, where the president was forced to withdraw controversial tax proposals and dissolve his cabinet

Responding to the arrest and detention of more than a hundred youthful protestors in Uganda on Tuesday during anti-corruption protests, a chilling onslaught on protest in the region, coming hot on the heels of violent suppression of anti-government protests in Kenya, Tigere Chagutah, Amnesty International’s Regional Director for East and…

Source: United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) |

United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) Renovates Bilual Secondary School, Creating a Better Learning Environment for All

The new iteration of this Uror County secondary school has six classrooms, a kitchen, an in-built toilet, gates and a fence

While successful learning ultimately depends on the hard work put in by individual students, having access to a properly equipped school is likely to boost one’s motivation to make the significant effort needed to lay the groundwork for a satisfying professional life. Thanks to funding from the United Nations Mission…

Source: United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) |

Almost 300,000 Children Threatened by Severe Acute Malnutrition in Six Drought-Affected Countries in Southern Africa – United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF)

UNICEF calls for urgent funding to scale up programmes across affected countries

The severe drought that has impacted large swathes of Southern Africa is threatening the lives of hundreds of thousands of children in the six worst-affected countries, UNICEF said today. This includes more than 270,000 children who are expected to suffer from life-threatening severe acute malnutrition (SAM) in 2024. El Niño-related…

Source: Human Rights Watch (HRW) |

Niger: Rights in Free Fall a Year After Coup

Crackdown on Opposition, Media; No Oversight of Military Spending

The military authorities in Niger have cracked down on the opposition, media, and peaceful dissent since taking power in a coup one year ago, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) said today. They have arbitrarily detained former President Mohamed Bazoum, and at least 30…

Médecins sans frontières (MSF)
  • Multimedia content

  • Images (1)
    • Maryam Muhammad and the MSF health promotion team conduct a Tom Brown sensitization session for men in Kebbi. Convincing men to support the approach is key as the mostly are the one supplying the family. Nigeria, February 2024
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Source: Médecins sans frontières (MSF) |

Cooking classes help reduce child malnutrition in northern Nigeria

This kind of cooking demonstration is crucial because people understand that they can prevent their children from becoming acutely malnourished rather than bringing them to a facility to treat them

Since April 2024, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)-supported healthcare facilities in North-West and North-East Nigeria are recording unprecedented surges in admissions for acute malnutrition among children. While struggling to provide lifesaving medical care to an ever-increasing number of young patients, MSF teams also try to reinforce community-led responses. One example is in Kebbi state, where MSF…

Merck Foundation
  • Multimedia content

  • Images (12)
    • Senator, Dr. Rasha Kelej during the Fifth Episode Shoot of Our Africa TV Program by Merck Foundation (1)
    • Senator, Dr. Rasha Kelej during the Fifth Episode Shoot of Our Africa TV Program by Merck Foundation (2)
    • Senator, Dr. Rasha Kelej during the Fifth Episode Shoot of Our Africa TV Program by Merck Foundation (3)
    • Senator, Dr. Rasha Kelej during the Fifth Episode Shoot of Our Africa TV Program by Merck Foundation (4)
    • Senator, Dr. Rasha Kelej during the Fifth Episode Shoot of Our Africa TV Program by Merck Foundation (5)
    • Senator, Dr. Rasha Kelej during the Fifth Episode Shoot of Our Africa TV Program by Merck Foundation (6)
    • Senator, Dr. Rasha Kelej during the Fifth Episode Shoot of Our Africa TV Program by Merck Foundation (7)
    • Senator, Dr. Rasha Kelej during the Fifth Episode Shoot of Our Africa TV Program by Merck Foundation (8)
    • Senator, Dr. Rasha Kelej during the Fifth Episode Shoot of Our Africa TV Program by Merck Foundation (9)
    • Senator, Dr. Rasha Kelej during the Fifth Episode Shoot of Our Africa TV Program by Merck Foundation (10)
    • Senator, Dr. Rasha Kelej during the Fifth Episode Shoot of Our Africa TV Program by Merck Foundation (11)
    • Senator, Dr. Rasha Kelej during the Fifth Episode Shoot of Our Africa TV Program by Merck Foundation (12)
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Source: Merck Foundation |

Senator, Dr. Rasha Kelej focuses on Breaking Infertility Stigma in the Fifth Episode of “Our Africa by Merck Foundation” TV program

‘Our Africa by Merck Foundation’ is a pan African TV program that is conceptualized, produced, directed, and co-hosted by Senator, Dr. Rasha Kelej, CEO of Merck Foundation

Merck Foundation (, the philanthropic arm of Merck KGaA Germany has launched the Fifth Episode of their first-ever TV program – ‘Our Africa by Merck Foundation’ on their social media handles. ‘Our Africa by Merck Foundation’ is a pan African TV program that is conceptualized, produced, directed, and co-hosted by Senator, Dr. Rasha Kelej,…