World Health Organization (WHO) - South Sudan
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    • South Sudan's successful vaccination campaign demonstrates the power of collaboration between government institutions, community leaders, and international organization
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Source: World Health Organization (WHO) - South Sudan |

South Sudan's fight against COVID-19 and efforts to safeguard the community from vaccine-preventable diseases

South Sudan's successful vaccination campaign demonstrates the power of collaboration between government institutions, community leaders, and international organizations

On 5 May 2023, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the end of the COVID-19 global health emergency, but efforts to fight the virus continue worldwide. In South Sudan, the Ministry of Health set an ambitious goal to vaccinate over 80% of the population aged 18 and above by the…

World Health Organization (WHO) - South Sudan
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    • WHO’s mobile medical teams trained healthcare workers to enhance their capacity
    • WHO’s mobile medical teams reaching the most isolated communities
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Source: World Health Organization (WHO) - South Sudan |

World Health Organization (WHO) transforming lives through health: Experiences from Eastern Equatorial State of South Sudan

World Health Organization (WHO), with funding from the South Sudan Humanitarian Fund (SSHF), has been working with the Ministry of Health and local health authorities to initiate a series of interventions to save the lives of the community in Kapoeta East County

In the remote district of Kapoeta East County, Eastern Equatoria State, life is a daily struggle for its 376 224 residents. This county, which borders Ethiopia, Kenya, and Uganda, faces severe health challenges due to harsh climatic conditions and food insecurity, including drought and seasonal flooding that hinder transportation and…

World Health Organization (WHO) - South Sudan
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    • Trained in National Public Health Laboratory Water Quality Testing Team
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Source: World Health Organization (WHO) - South Sudan |

South Sudan: Strengthening capacities for Infection Prevention and control; a huge push towards reduced outbreaks

This comprehensive strategy encompasses water quality testing, hand hygiene promotion, healthcare waste management, and the implementation of IPC guidelines through multimodal strategy improvement and standard operating procedures

In an effort to protect communities from diseases resulting from environmental and health setting contamination, the Ministry of Health, supported by the World Health Organization (WHO) and other partners, has embarked on an ambitious mission. Supported by funding from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), EU Humanitarian Aid…

World Health Organization (WHO) - South Sudan
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    • A health worker checks the circumference of a child's arm using a mid-upper arm circumference measure
    • A health worker checks the circumference of a child's arm using a mid-upper arm circumference measure
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Source: World Health Organization (WHO) - South Sudan |

Saving lives and empowering communities in South Sudan’s remote areas: Akon's journey from despair to hope

Managed by the skilled nurses trained by WHO, she received lifesaving treatments and care

In the dusty outskirts of Nyamlel in Aweil West County, Northern Bahr el Gazal State, a grandmother's desperate plea for her granddaughter's life echoed through the corridors of a stabilization center. Akon Ayom, a 30-month-old girl, lay motionless, her body swollen from malnutrition, her spirit fading with each passing day.…

Source: World Health Organization (WHO) - South Sudan |

South Sudan commemorates 50 Years of Immunization with 2024 African Immunization Week - Humanly Possible: Immunization for All

This milestone highlights the transformative power of vaccines, which have significantly decreased child mortality rates globally

This year, as the world commemorates World Immunization Week from April 24 to April 30, South Sudan joins the global community in celebrating the monumental 50th anniversary of the Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI). This milestone highlights the transformative power of vaccines, which have significantly decreased child mortality rates globally.…

Source: World Health Organization (WHO) - South Sudan |

Combatting Yellow Fever Outbreak in South Sudan: Urgent Push Towards Immunization

The outbreak, confirmed on 24 December 2023, marked the region's second major outbreak in over three years

In response to a Yellow Fever outbreak in December 2023, the Ministry of Health, supported by the World Health Organization (WHO), UNICEF and other partners, conducted a yellow fever vaccination campaign in Western Equatoria State. The campaign targeted Yambio, Nzara, Ibba, Ezzo, and Tambura Counties, reaching 465 798 persons with…

World Health Organization (WHO) - South Sudan
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    • Delivering over 50 metric tons of medical supplies to the Blue Nile and Nuba Mountains in Sudan
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Source: World Health Organization (WHO) - South Sudan |

Delivering over 50 metric tons of medical supplies to the Blue Nile and Nuba Mountains in Sudan

Due to the limited access and operational capacity in Sudan, the WHO Country Office in Sudan collaborated with WHO South Sudan office to facilitate the delivery of humanitarian commodities

The ongoing crisis in Sudan has significantly impeded the ability of the WHO office in Sudan to access and deliver essential emergency medical supplies to the regions of the Blue Nile and Nuba Mountains. Due to the limited access and operational capacity in Sudan, the WHO Country Office in Sudan…

Source: World Health Organization (WHO) - South Sudan |

Vaccinating 3.1 million Children to control polio outbreak in South Sudan

The novel oral polio vaccine type 2 has been designed to provide safe and reliable protection against poliovirus and is genetically more stable than the previous oral polio vaccine types

Today, South Sudan launched a nationwide polio campaign aiming at vaccinating 3.1 million children using the novel oral polio vaccine type 2. The novel oral polio vaccine type 2 has been designed to provide safe and reliable protection against poliovirus and is genetically more stable than the previous oral polio…

Source: World Health Organization (WHO) - South Sudan |

South Sudan Launches Yellow Fever Vaccination Campaign to halt outbreak in Western Equatoria State

Yellow fever, an acute viral hemorrhagic disease transmitted by infected mosquitoes, poses a significant public health threat

In response to the confirmed outbreak of yellow fever on 24 December 2023, with two laboratory-confirmed cases identified in Western Equatoria State, the Ministry of Health, in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO), UNICEF, and other partners, has initiated a reactive Yellow Fever vaccination campaign as part of preventive…

Source: World Health Organization (WHO) - South Sudan |

Sustaining the fight against neglected tropical disease in South Sudan

Neglected tropical diseases are a set of 20 diseases or disease groups that occur predominantly in tropical and subtropical areas

In South Sudan, 19 of the 20 neglected tropical diseases are endemic, posing a huge health threat. More than 12 million people are at risk of infection from these diseases that can cause severe pain, disabilities and deformities among other devastating impacts. The country, with support from the World Health…