Source: World Health Organization (WHO) - Lesotho |

Establishment of Environmental Surveillance in Lesotho

Environmental Surveillance is the regular collection of sewage or wastewater that is contaminated with human faecal matter and testing the samples for the presence or absence of poliovirus

To improve the sensitivity of polio detection and response, the Ministry of Health with technical support from the World Health Organisation(WHO), recently established established Environmental Surveillance(ES) for the country. Environmental Surveillance is the regular collection of sewage or wastewater that is contaminated with human faecal matter and testing the samples…

Source: World Health Organization (WHO) - Lesotho |

12,447 Children Reached With Measles-Rubella Vaccine during Africa Vaccination Week

The objectives of this vaccination campaign were; to develop district and health facility micro-plans, and mobilize all communities to vaccinate all unvaccinated and under-vaccinated children

To catch up with the unvaccinated (zero-dose), and under-vaccinated children, the Ministry of Health with support from the World Health Organisation, (WHO) implemented a catch-up vaccination campaign from 29 April to 4th May in all 10 districts. The catch-up vaccination campaign recorded a high turnout in many communities with 12,447…

Source: World Health Organization (WHO) - Lesotho |

3,455 Community Leaders, Village Health Workers Trained on Event-Based Surveillance

These events could range from disease outbreaks to environmental disasters and other health-related incidents

Maseru-To address the delays in detecting and responding to health threats, the World Health Organisation (WHO) recently conducted an event-based surveillance training for 3, 455 community leaders and village health workers in Mohales Hoek, Butha Buthe, Qachas Nek, and Thaba Tseka Districts. Event-based surveillance involves systematically collecting, monitoring, and assessing…

World Health Organization (WHO) - Lesotho
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Source: World Health Organization (WHO) - Lesotho |

Improving access to quality healthcare services in Lesotho

The Ministry of Health and WHO’s efforts have not only improved health outcomes but also transformed communities, making essential medical services more accessible and equitable

13th June 2024, marked a significant milestone in Lesotho’s healthcare history as Maseru District Hospital and Eye Clinic, a specialized hospital equipped with advanced medical equipment and resources designed to provide top-notch healthcare services to the Basotho people, opened its doors to the public. This was borne as a result…

Source: World Health Organization (WHO) - Lesotho |

Active Tuberculosis (TB) case-finding in Lesotho: Health facilities stepping up to the challenge

Case-finding has increased from 32% in 2020 to 47% in 2023 but needs to almost double to reach national and global targets for ending TB by 2030

When mother-of-three Mamfe Motloheloa tested positive for tuberculosis (TB), the diagnosis not only saved her life, but also those of her children. “My condition was critical. I was rushed from the clinic to the hospital, where my treatment journey started,” recalls Motloheloa.  After she was discharged from hospital following a…

Source: World Health Organization (WHO) - Lesotho |

Lesotho Endorses Emergency, Preparedness, Response Flagship Initiative Roadmap to Ensure Health Security

WHO Representative to Lesotho, Dr. Richard Banda stated that health security is a critical mission for Lesotho

The Government of Lesotho has endorsed and launched the Emergency, Preparedness, and Response Flagship Initiative Roadmap. This was done with the support from the World Health Organisation(WHO) and Africa CDC. In 2023, the country enrolled in the WHO EPR Flagships initiative. The overarching goal of the Emergency, Preparedness, and Response flagship initiative is…

Source: World Health Organization (WHO) - Lesotho |

Lesotho: Strengthening Intensive Care Unit (ICU) bed capacity

Thanks to collaboration between the government and World Health Organization (WHO) and other partners, the number of intensive care unit (ICU) beds has almost quadrupled, from 10 to 38, since 2021

38 ICU beds; up from 10 in 2021; 30 clinicians receive short-term critical care training; 47 health care providers attend basic emergency training. With its mountainous terrain and use of donkeys and horses as primary modes of transport, Berea Hospital nurse Sello Ramakanate says the consequent high incidence of traumatic…

Source: World Health Organization (WHO) - Lesotho |

Over 20,000 Children Vaccinated Against Measles Rubella in Lesotho

The ambition to ensure that every child has access to essential vaccines by 2030 is within reach

For over two centuries, vaccines have safely reduced the scourge of diseases like polio, measles, and smallpox, helping children to grow up healthy and happy. In Lesotho, more than 20,000 children aged 9-59 months got vaccinated against Measles Rubella during the Africa Vaccination Week (AVW). In 2021 and 2022, Lesotho…

Source: World Health Organization (WHO) - Lesotho |

World No Tobacco Day: Grow Food Not Tobacco - World Health Organization (WHO)

Tobacco farming destroys the ecosystems, depletes soils of fertility, contaminates water bodies and pollutes the environment

The tobacco epidemic is one of the biggest public health challenges the world has ever faced, killing more than eight million people around the world every year. While the number of people using tobacco products is decreasing in other parts of the world, it is rising in the Africa Region.…

Source: World Health Organization (WHO) - Lesotho |

In Lesotho, World Health Organization (WHO) Trains Health Specialists to Strengthen Public Health Surveillance

EIOS responds to the need for a strong global PHI community that is supported by robust, harmonized, and standardized PHI systems and frameworks across organizations and jurisdictions

To strengthen public health surveillance in Lesotho using a network of expert systems for early detection of health threats, the World Health Organization recently conducted a training on Epidemic Intelligence from Open Sources (EIOS) for over 20 health specialists from the Food and Agricultural Organisation, (FAO) the Ministries of Health, Agriculture, Food…