Source: Royal Thai Embassy, Cairo, Egypt |

Academic Training for students on "Guideline to Effective Religious Education"

The academic training aims to provide knowledge and guidelines for religious studies to participating students, in support of students pursuing their academic studies in Egypt

On 7-8 July 2024, the Royal Thai Embassy in Cairo supported the Thai Students’ Association in Cairo under the Royal Patronage in organising an academic training on "Guideline to Effective Religious Education". The said academic training aims to provide knowledge and guidelines for religious studies to participating students, in support…

Source: Royal Thai Embassy, Cairo, Egypt |

Digital Upskill Workshops for Thai Students in Egypt

35 students participated in the workshops

On 10 and 12 July 2024, the Royal Thai Embassy together with the Thai Students’ Association in Cairo under the Royal Patronage organised workshops on Microsoft Word for Thai Students in Egypt. The workshops were organized according to the curriculum prepared by Microsoft (Thailand) and ThaiMOOC which students learned how…

Source: Royal Thai Embassy, Cairo, Egypt |

The Signing Ceremony between Hi-Tech Apparel Co. Ltd. and the Suez Canal Economic Zone

The said contract would allow the establishment of a sportswear factory in the West Qantara Industrial Zone in Ismalia in the near future

On 30 April 2024, Mr. Thanabordee Joothong, Charge d'affaires a.i., witnessed the signing ceremony of the usufruct contract between Hi-Tech Apparel Co. Ltd. and the Suez Canal Economic Zone (SCZONE) represented by Mr. Wason Vitanakorn, Chief Executive Officer of Hi-Tech Apparel Co., Ltd. and Mr. Walid Gamal El-Din, Chairman of…

Source: Royal Thai Embassy, Cairo, Egypt |

Seminar organised by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Committee in Cairo and the Egyptian Council for Foreign Affairs (ECFA)

The seminar aimed to promote better understanding and strengthen relations between ASEAN and Egypt

On 24 April 2024, the ASEAN Committee in Cairo together with the Egyptian Council for Foreign Affairs (ECFA) organised a seminar at Tahrir Diplomatic Club in Cairo. The seminar aimed to promote better understanding and strengthen relations between ASEAN and Egypt. It covers wide-ranging topics from politics, trade, investment, society…

Source: Royal Thai Embassy, Cairo, Egypt |

Digital Skills Training for Thai Students in Egypt

The students learned how to prepare, analyze and share data using tools such as pivot tables and graphs

On 18 and 20 April 2024, the Royal Thai Embassy together with the Thai Students’ Association in Cairo under the Royal Patronage organised workshops on "Data Analysis with Microsoft Excel". The workshops were organized according to the curriculum prepared by Microsoft (Thailand) and ThaiMOOC. The students learned how to prepare,…

Royal Thai Embassy, Cairo, Egypt
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Source: Royal Thai Embassy, Cairo, Egypt |

270th Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Committee in Cairo (ACC) Meeting

The Meeting discussed about the preparations for the ASEAN Seminar with Egyptian Council for Foreign Affairs as well as the ACC Annual Activities in 2024 to raise awareness about ASEAN in Egypt

On 18 April 2024, Mr. Thanabordee Joothong, Chargé d'Affaires a.i, attended the 270th ASEAN Committee in Cairo (ACC) Meeting, chaired by Indonesia. The Meeting discussed about the preparations for the ASEAN Seminar with Egyptian Council for Foreign Affairs as well as the ACC Annual Activities in 2024 to raise awareness…

Source: Royal Thai Embassy, Cairo, Egypt |

First Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Student Associations Meeting in Egypt

The meeting provided an opportunity for Thai students to share useful information and promote cooperation with ASEAN colleagues as well as to raise awareness about the ASEAN Community among youth

On 21 March 2024, the Royal Thai Embassy together with the Thai Students’ Association in Cairo under the Royal Patronage hosted the First ASEAN Student Associations Meeting in Egypt at the Embassy. The meeting was attended by presidents/representatives of ASEAN Student Associations from 9 countries including Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia,…

Source: Royal Thai Embassy, Cairo, Egypt |

Royal Thai Embassy in Cairo hosts Iftar for Thai Muslim Students in Egypt

Mr. Joothong also expressed wishes for all students to complete their duties as they intended, and will be rewarded for their good deeds during this holy month

On 25 March 2024, the Royal Thai Embassy in Cairo hosted the Iftar dinner for Thai Muslim Students in Egypt at the Embassy. On this occasion, Mr. Thanabordee Joothong, Chargé d'Affaires a.i commended the strict Islamic practice of all Thai Muslim students during the month of Ramadan, which is the…

Source: Royal Thai Embassy, Cairo, Egypt |

The Meeting with the Egyptian African Businessmen’s Association

EABA’s mission is to drive transformative change and foster innovation in Africa’s business landscape

On 26 March 2024, Mr. Thanabordee Joothong, Charge d'affaires a.i., and Mr. Niwat Apichartbutra, Commercial Attaché, Office of Commercial Affairs, Royal Thai Embassy in Cairo, met with Dr. Yousrey Elsharkawi, Chairman of the Egyptian African Businessmen’s Association (EABA), at the EABA Office in Cairo. Dr. Elsharkawi gave a briefing on…

Source: Royal Thai Embassy in Cairo, Egypt |

Egypt: Thai Students' Association in Cairo under the Royal Patronage Organises Orientation Day Activity for New Students

The Royal Thai Embassy has supported Orientation Day Activities for many years as it is important for new students to be equipped with information and experiences shared by senior students on studying and living in Egypt

On 3 February 2024, His Excellency Mr. Puttaporn Ewtoksan, Former Ambassador of Thailand to Egypt, opened the Orientation Day Activity for the new students of the academic year 2023/2024, organised by the Thai Students' Association in Cairo under the Royal Patronage, at Shabab Youth Club, Nasr City, which around 350…