Source: International Rescue Committee (IRC) |

Sudan: International Rescue Committee (IRC) scales up response to meet increasing humanitarian needs as over 130,000 more people become displaced due to renewed fighting

Resources in the displacement camps in Gedaref are already severely strained, with a lack of proper shelter, healthcare as well as water and sanitation

Continued violence in Sudan, particularly Sennar state, is anticipated to drive 130,000 additional people to the eastern state of Gedaref over the next few days, which already holds over 650,000 people displaced from different parts of Sudan in addition to more than 25,000 people from Ethiopia in Tuneidbah camp alone. The…

Source: International Rescue Committee (IRC) |

International Rescue Committee (IRC) mourns the death of two colleagues in Mali

The IRC is heartbroken over the loss of our colleagues; our in-country staff are the very heart of our work and are key in providing support and assistance to our clients

The International Rescue Committee (IRC) is saddened to confirm the deaths of two of our colleagues who died in a road accident that took place on Saturday, 6 July, 2024, in Mali. Twelve members of our team, and one accompanying infant, were injured as a result of the incident but…

Source: International Rescue Committee (IRC) |

A new report released by the International Rescue Committee (IRC) highlights the world’s failure to address the ever-worsening humanitarian catastrophe in Sudan

Sudan is already the world’s worst displacement crisis and is rapidly becoming the world’s worst hunger crisis as well

IRC’s 2024 Emergency Watchlist identified Sudan as the humanitarian crisis most at risk of deteriorating this year. In response to the lack of attention on the crisis, the IRC has released a mid-year Crisis Alert on Sudan. The new report illustrates the trajectory of a country in freefall. Without a shift…

Source: International Rescue Committee (IRC) |

Unprecedented crisis in West Africa: Nearly 9 Million displaced by conflict and climate change, warns International Rescue Committee (IRC) on World Refugee Day

Sixteen countries are caught in the intersection of climate vulnerability and armed conflict, representing a staggering 44% of people impacted by natural disasters and 79% of those in humanitarian need

The International Rescue Committee (IRC) is raising the alarm for the escalating humanitarian needs of nearly 9 million people in West Africa who are currently displaced due to increasing violence, insecurity, and extreme weather events. People have often become displaced multiple times, exacerbating their hardships. On World Refugee Day, the IRC alerts…

Source: International Rescue Committee (IRC) |

92 Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) urgently call for the re-establishment of telecommunications infrastructure across Sudan

Over a year of relentless warfare and indiscriminate violence have destroyed homes, towns, livelihoods and critical civilian infrastructure

 In the midst of the devastating humanitarian crisis that is fast deteriorating in Sudan, we, representing 92 humanitarian, civil society, human rights organizations and members of the #KeepItOn coalition, urgently appeal for the re-establishment of telecommunications infrastructure across the entire country. Sudan has become the world’s worst displacement crisis and…

Source: International Rescue Committee (IRC) |

Northwest Nigeria: 10,000 people displaced as a result of conflict in the last two months are in urgent need of humanitarian assistance, warns International Rescue Committee (IRC)

More than half of the people affected by these attacks are women, which leaves them at risk of exploitation and abuse

The International Rescue Committee (IRC) is concerned by the humanitarian impact of increasing insecurity in northwest Nigeria due to conflict between armed groups, not far from the areas where the IRC and its partners currently operate. In Zamfara and Sokoto states, armed attacks have displaced at least 10,000 people and…

Source: International Rescue Committee (IRC) |

Food insecurity at an all-time high in West and Central Africa: Millions of people face hunger if no immediate action is taken, warns International Rescue Committee (IRC)

The IRC supports communities across the region to ensure their most basic survival needs are met and have the combination of assets and income to prosper through cash relief and livelihoods

The International Rescue Committee (IRC) is extremely concerned about escalating food and nutrition insecurity in West and Central African countries. Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Mali, Niger, and Nigeria are all anticipated to face Crisis (IPC3) level of food insecurity or worse during the lean season - the time between harvests…

Source: International Rescue Committee (IRC) |

International Rescue Committee (IRC) Welcomes Passage of United States (US) Humanitarian Aid, Supporting Communities on the Frontlines of Crisis in Ukraine, Gaza and Globally

Amid ongoing challenges such as the latest wave of missile strikes in Ukraine, spiraling conflict in Sudan, and imminent famine in Gaza which continue to uproot and destroy lives, U.S. assistance remains essential

The International Rescue Committee (IRC) welcomes the passage of a $9 billion global humanitarian aid package that will avoid sharp U.S. cuts in the midst of near record humanitarian need and displacement. The package will save lives and help drive solutions to support people facing armed conflict, economic turmoil, and…

Source: International Rescue Committee (IRC) |

International Rescue Committee (IRC) Announces Winner of Innovation Challenge to Improve Last Mile Medical Supply Delivery

This latest completed challenge was launched in July 2023 and focused on finding new and improved solutions to help medical supplies like medications and surgical equipment reach rural communities

The IRC has named Samuel Kamunyu Karuru of Ghana and Reginah Onyango of Rwanda as the winners of the Wazoku crowdsourcing challenge to improve the last mile delivery of essential medical supplies.  This latest completed challenge was launched in July 2023 and focused on finding new and improved solutions to help medical supplies like medications and…

Source: International Rescue Committee (IRC) |

Sending refugees to Rwanda, or anywhere else, will never be an effective solution, warns International Rescue Committee (IRC)

IRC UK Responds to the Passing of the Safety of Rwanda Bill

Denisa Delić, Director of Advocacy, International Rescue Committee UK, said,  “Irrespective of the passage of the Safety of Rwanda Bill, sending refugees to Rwanda is an ineffective, unnecessarily cruel and costly approach.   Rather than outsourcing its responsibilities under international law, we urge the government to abandon this misguided plan and…