Embassy of Ethiopia in Brussels
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    • Ethiopia at Africa Works! Netherlands-Africa Business Council (NABC) Business Promotion Event in Amsterdam
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Source: Embassy of Ethiopia in Brussels |

Ethiopia at Africa Works! Netherlands-Africa Business Council (NABC) Business Promotion Event in Amsterdam

At the Ethiopian session, organized by the Ethiopian Embassy in Brussels in collaboration with Mr. Mattijs Rendens of (NABC), Deputy Commissioner Dagato presented business opportunities in Ethiopia

The Ethiopian Delegation led by Deputy Commissioner of Ethiopian Investment Commission Mr. Dagato Kumbe took part at the Netherlands-Africa Business Council (NABC) event, ’AFRICA 20 Works! 24’. The event was held under the theme “Africa’s Green Industrialisation – Made in Africa” at Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) in Amsterdam, Netherlands on…

Source: Embassy of Ethiopia in Brussels |

“ETHIOPIA TAMRIT EXPO 2024” – Promoted in Brussels in Collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Agriculture Belgium-Luxembourg, Africa, Caribbean, Pacific(CBL ACP)

The event brought together over 50 participants that range from representatives of Trade and investment bureaux, business representatives from the Healthcare, Agro-investment, Pharmaceutical Construction, Energy, and Oil & Gas

Ambassador Hirut zemene Kassa and Mr. Thomas De Belue, Secretary General of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Agriculture Belgium-Luxembourg, Africa, Caribbean, Pacific(CBL ACP) jointly led a business seminar held on 28th of March 2024 at the Embassy premises. The CEO of the CBL- ACP Mr. Tanguy Briey has…

Source: Embassy of Ethiopia in Brussels |

Group of East African Ambassadors Exchange of views on challenges and opportunities

Extensive discussion under the leadership of the current chair of our region the Sudan and FAO East Africa and FAO Belgium representatives

Group of East African Ambassadors Exchange of views on challenges and opportunities for East African pastoralist population. Extensive discussion under the leadership of the current chair of our region the Sudan and FAO East Africa and FAO Belgium representatives. Mitigating impacts of climate change for our pastoralist community, Water resource…

Embassy of Ethiopia in Brussels
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    • Ethiopia: H.E. Ambassador Hirut Zemene meets with H.E. Olof SKOOG, European Union Special Representative for Human Rights
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Source: Embassy of Ethiopia in Brussels |

Ethiopia: H.E. Ambassador Hirut Zemene meets with H.E. Olof SKOOG, European Union Special Representative for Human Rights

During the meeting, the two sides had a productive exchange of views on the current situation in Ethiopia, focusing on Human Rights and Humanitarian issues

H.E. Hirut Zemene, Ambassador Extraordinary & Plenipotentiary of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia to the Benelux countries and EU institutions, met the newly appointed European Union Special Representative for Human Rights, H.E. Olof SKOOG at his office on March 13, 2024. Ambassador Hirut congratulated the special representative on his new…

Source: Embassy of Ethiopia in Brussels |

Ethiopia: The Embassy Confers with Dutch Investors in the Horticulture Sector

The Ambassador highlighted on the emphasis given to and measures taken by the government to mitigate the challenges raised by the investors and opportunities for future collaboration

H.E Ambassador Hirut Zemene held a discussion with the Representatives of Dutch Companies which are currently investing in the Horticulture sector in Ethiopia and expressed gratitude for the initiative taken by the Director of Beekenkamp, Mr. Marc Driessen, for bringing together the group for an important exchange of views. During…

Source: Embassy of Ethiopia in Brussels |

H.E. Ambassador Hirut Zemene Welcomes Ethiopian Young Mid-Level Leaders through the Chevening Program

The Ambassador shared her experiences in leadership in the field of diplomacy and briefed the young leaders about the Embassy’s various endeavours in Benelux countries and European institutions

H.E. Ambassador Hirut Zemene welcomed Chevening Ethiopia Leadership Fellowship Class of 2023 from various Ethiopian institutions including, National Election Board of Ethiopia, Ministry of Health, Bahir Dar University, St.Paul’s Hospital Millennium Medical Collage,Yekatit 12 Hospital Medical Collage, Eka Kotebe General Hospital, Ethiopian Women with Disabilities National Association and Eco-Justice Ethiopia,…

Source: Embassy of Ethiopia in Brussels |

Ethiopia partakes on the 7th Ministerial on Climate Action (MoCA)

The MoCA is a major annual ministerial meeting on international climate action attended by Ministers from G20 countries and other key Parties in the UN climate negotiations

Ethiopia’s delegation led by H.E. Mr. Sandokan Debebe, State Minister for Planning and Development participated on the 7th Ministerial on Climate (#MocA) co-organized by the European Union, Canada, and China in Brussels on the 13th and 14th of July 2023. The meeting which was organized against the backdrop of the…

Source: Embassy of Ethiopia in Brussels |

H.E Ambassador Hirut Zemene held a fruitful discussion with H.E. Enrique Mora

The two sides, among others, discussed on ways to reinvigorate the strategic relations between Ethiopia and the European Union against the backdrop of EU Council’s conclusion on Ethiopia

Deputy Secretary General of the European External Action Service (EEAS) on bilateral issues and related matters of mutual interest. The two sides, among others, discussed on ways to reinvigorate the strategic relations between Ethiopia and the European Union against the backdrop of EU Council’s conclusion on Ethiopia which was issued…

Source: Embassy of Ethiopia in Brussels |

Ambassador Hirut Zemene holds discussion with Ethiopian and Belgian Universities Representatives on Art Conservation

The Embassy along with the representatives reviewed recently established Academic cooperation links between Antwerpen University and Bahir Dar University in Art Conversation

H.E. Ambassador Hirut Zemene held a fruitful discussion about an arts conservation project with Antwerpen University of Belgium and BahirDarUniversity of Ethiopia that has come to fruision through an initiative that was taken by the founder of Ethiopian Arts Conservation Program Ms. Naomi Muelmens on May 30, 2023, at the Embassy premises.…

Source: Embassy of Ethiopia in Brussels |

Ethiopia taking part on the Second Day celebration of Africa Day 2023 in Brussels

On the colorful African event, the Embassy promoted Ethiopian vibrant culture through its authentic Ethiopian coffee with its colourful ceremonies, delicious traditional cousin, and fabulous traditional dances

The Embassy of Ethiopia in Brussels took part on the second day celebration of the 60th anniversary of African Unity, in Brussels, Belgium on the 26th of May 2023 organised with the Permanent Mission of AU to the European Union and OACPS. On the colorful African event, the Embassy promoted…