African Peace Magazine
  • Multimedia content

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    • International African Energy, Oil and Gas Summit (IAEOG) Namibia 2024 (1)
    • International African Energy, Oil and Gas Summit (IAEOG) Namibia 2024 (2)
    • International African Energy, Oil and Gas Summit (IAEOG) Namibia 2024 (3)
    • International African Energy, Oil and Gas Summit (IAEOG) Namibia 2024 (4)
    • International African Energy, Oil and Gas Summit (IAEOG) Namibia 2024 (5)
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Source: African Peace Magazine |

International African Energy, Oil and Gas Summit (IAEOG) Namibia 2024

Invitation to attend the 3rd edition of the International African Energy, Oil and Gas Summit, Awards/Exhibition and Golf Tournament holding in Namibia

We bring you compliments from the Chairman Hon. Justice Suleiman Galadima JSC, CFR, OFR (Rtd.) and the Management of African Peace Magazine UK ( African Peace Magazine UK, has been publishing for well over 14 years, and we are committed to promoting Peace, business networking, good governance and improved condition…

African Peace Magazine
  • Multimedia content

  • Videos (1)
    • African Peace Award 2024
  • Images (5)
    • Press Statement: African Peace Award 2024 (1)
    • Press Statement: African Peace Award 2024 (2)
    • Press Statement: African Peace Award 2024 (3)
    • Press Statement: African Peace Award 2024 (4)
    • Press Statement: African Peace Award 2024 (5)
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Source: African Peace Magazine |

Press Statement: African Peace Award 2024

The African Peace Awards 2024 seeks to honor persons, institutions, organization, governments and others whose actions, and efforts have in one way improved or contributed to peace keeping and conflict management in Africa

I bring you compliments from the board and management of African Peace Magazine UK (  On behalf of the Chairman Justice Suleiman Galadima, JSC, OFR, CFR (Rtd.) African Peace Magazine UK, humbly wish to specially invite you to attend the Hybrid and in person Award. The African Peace Magazine UK, in conjunction with her strategic partners: Rethink Africa Foundation, African Fact Checkers,…

African Peace Magazine
Source: African Peace Magazine |

Press Statement: 2023 African Peace Award Winners

The African Peace Magazine introduces its awards in the hopes of promoting peace globally and specifically in Africa with the hope of effecting change in Africa first and then globally

I bring you compliments from the board and management of African Peace Magazine UK (  Download the document: On behalf of the Chairman Justice Suleiman Galadima, JSC, OFR, CFR (Rtd.), the board and management of African Peace Magazine UK, humbly wish to specially invite you to attend the Hybrid Award with the Theme: Africa…

African Peace Magazine
  • Multimedia content

  • Videos (1)
    • Invitation to Attend the 2023 International African Energy, Oil and Gas Summit
  • Documents (1)
    • Invitation to Attend the 2023 International African Energy, Oil and Gas Summit, Awards/Exhibition and Golf Tournament
  • All (2)
Source: African Peace Magazine |

Invitation to Attend the 2023 International African Energy, Oil and Gas Summit, Awards/Exhibition and Golf Tournament

This event, a proactive endeavor supporting the AfCTA’s mission to forge regional value chains in Africa, aims at stimulating investment and job creation across the continent

We bring you compliments from the Chairman Hon. Justice Suleiman Galadima JSC, CFR, OFR (Rtd.) and the management of African Peace Magazine UK ( Download the document: African Peace Magazine UK, has been publishing for well over 13 years, and we are committed to promoting Peace, business networking, good governance…