People in Africa's Cities Benefit from Better Socio-Economic Outcomes and Standards of Living, According to New Report

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Infrastructure access is better in cities (Source: SWAC/OECD | 2 years ago)

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Many more skilled jobs in cities (For both, women and men, the share of skilled workers in large cities is approximately 2.5 times higher than in rural areas) (Source: SWAC/OECD | 2 years ago)

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Infrastructure access is better in cities (FR) (Source: SWAC/OECD | 2 years ago)

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Many more skilled jobs in cities (For both, women and men, the share of skilled workers in large cities is approximately 2.5 times higher than in rural areas) (FR) (Source: SWAC/OECD | 2 years ago)


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SWAC AfDB and UNECA intro text_FR (Source: SWAC/OECD | 2 years ago)
