#ImagineCircularity: the circular transformation will not be live-streamed


According to circular principles, repairing is one of the key action imperatives. Many products, however, are nowadays designed in a way that they cannot be repaired. The circular economy claims that this needs to change, via ‘circular design’. Photo by insung yoon on Unsplash (Source: REVOLVE Circular | 3 years ago)


The circular economy is about systemic change and invites us to rethink what we are used to. One of the necessary changes in terms of mindsets is a different world view – where waste is a resource, and where exiosting processes need to be switched around and turned upside down. Photo by Brett Zeck on Unsplash (Source: REVOLVE Circular | 3 years ago)


The circular economy is often confused and misperceived as more recycling; it is only one of several circular actions and is often referred to as “the last resort”. True circularity aims to “design out waste”. Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash (Source: REVOLVE Circular | 3 years ago)
